According to Twin City Designs, no one really noticed. Then this week, I and a very other BC folks saw it on Twitter and it finally went viral. Sadly, and predictably, BC put an end to all the fun by enforcing their trademark.
Twin City probably could fight this move, but it is not worth it. As much as BC fans enjoy the shirt and the sentiment, I doubt the revenue from the shirt would cover the legal fees. BC has every right to protect their trademarks, however, their handling of the situation is disappointing.Well guys it's been a fun. fun ride the last 3 days but apparently the brass at BC have taken exception to me using their name and mascot and clamped their trademark claim down it, so I'll be having to take it off line. I really appreciate the love the last few days from everyone— Twin City Tee Co (@twincityteeco) January 17, 2019
This is a simple, fun shirt that highlights the absurdity of what happened. While I don't think BC wants to remind people that the bowl was cancelled after ten minutes, adding some humor takes the edge off a bit. Ideally BC would have slapped together a quick, one-time agreement to allow Twin City to sell the shirts and let it be. Instead they look like a big bully who is worried about not getting their cut of a few t-shirts.
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