Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Celebration highlights and other links

Here's more video footage of the event from NECN. (I pray that NECN keeps up this level of coverage come football season. Their embedded player is much better than the Boston.com/NESN feature.)

Here is an interview with Mike Brennan and Andrew Orpik.

Nathan Gerbe has a decision to make. If he returns, BC would have to be the favorite to win the National Championship again.

The 49ers have interest in Cherilus.

Matt Ryan visited the Chiefs Monday.

Nets coach Lawrence Frank is sending a message to Sean Williams.

1 comment:

Langsgangs said...

Thanks for the Sean Williams link. I loved watching this kid while I was at BC, and though he made his mistakes, I have never seen anyone change and block more shots in college basketball than during the the '05 season before he got the boot. So fun to watch, and I'm really rooting for him to succeed in the pros.