Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday links

Here is an interview with BC goalie John Muse.

Realfootball 365 thinks that Jags may become our version of Larry Coker. I don't think the comparison holds. [Eds note: I added the following to clarify what I first wrote and based on Norcal's comment.] I am not overly defensive about Jags/Coker stuff and in fairness to RF365, they don't say it will happen, just that there are some parallels. Jags, or any BC football coach, will never be held to the same standards Miami used with Coker. Say Jags were to have a losing season next year. The pressure would be on, but he would not be fired. I even think he could survive a losing season in Year 3. The administration will be more patient. Also, Jags and his staff have to supplement TOB's recruiting shortfalls early. The situation was reversed in Miami. Coker kept riding the guys Davis brought in. It took a long cycle before Coker played his own recruits. If you look at Jags' situation, he is playing his own RBs in Year 2! He'll have his own QB in Year 3. The line will be rebuilt by then too. Defensively there will be a longer transition, but that might also explain why the defensive staff stuck around. First I think Jags will do well. Second, TOB did not leave Jags with the same level of talent Butch Davis left Coker.

The guys at the Fanhouse think Matt Ryan is headed to Baltimore.


BCNorCal07 said...

ATL, I love you man, but the RF365 article only made the comparison. Sure, comparing the situations that Coker and Jags stepped into makes me shudder, but they really left it at that. I think it's a valid observation that Jags has to prove he can win with his own talent, that he can coach up unproven players (Andre Callender, anyone?) and that he can continue the success of last year. And that's basically all that the article said.

ATL_eagle said...

Norcal, fair enough. I tried to explain in the edited version above.

BCNorCal07 said...

I wasn't trying to be real critical, I just thought that it was fair to point out. Sorry about the misunderstanding and keep up the great work!

Danny Boy said...

The biggest difference to note is that Jags got much more out of TOBs guys than TOB ever imagined he could do (with Tribble maybe being the exception). Callendar had a career year that never would have happened under TOB. In just a few short months, it seems that Jags recognized the strengths of his new players and created schemes to highlight those strengths far better than TOB ever did.