Saturday, April 12, 2008

The growth of the Frozen Four and other links

The Frozen Four is becoming a big event.

Notre Dame sophomore Kyle Lawson grew up with Nathan Gerbe. He had some interesting stories on how tough Gerbe was, even as a young kid.

This is a different look at Matt Ryan courtesy of the The Onion. (Thanks to Matt L. for the link.)

Chris Crane is saying and doing all the right things. (Thanks to Adam M.)


Eagle in Brighton said...

Game Time boys.

Team of the decade, or the Buffalo Bills of college hockey; it comes down to this.

Let's go Eagles.

Bravesbill said...

The Atlanta Braves...Buffalo never won one.

BCNorCal07 said...

Put that Buffalo Bills talk away! It's never coming back! Oh my god do I wish I was in Boston right now. Jerry York is God! NATIONAL CHAMPS!

(there was no way that was a goal. he totally kicked it.)

GBM said...


Andrew S. said...


Good job guys!

Eagle in Brighton said...

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWin....the Mods are hopping.

Congrats to Brennan, Gerbe, Muse, etc. tremendous W all around.

National Champions. Relish it boys. you did the University proud.