Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Report: Smith, Flutie moved to WR

BCI reported that Jeff Smith and Troy Flutie both moved to Wide Receiver during Spring practice. The move makes sense given the log jam at QB and the lack of playmakers at WR. The hope is that both will translate their knowledge of the passing game into getting open. We will see if either can catch.

Based on what they did as QBs, Smith would seem like the natural WR. He is quick and dangerous with space. I don't know what to expect from Flutie.

It will be interesting to see how each player takes to the move. Both had plenty of opportunity at QB, but not under ideal circumstances. In a perfect world they would have grown in an offense and had an experienced OL and a good OC in place before they took the field. Instead if was sink or swim time.

I want both to stay, but understand if either go. They came to BC to be QBs and now they are not. Some players embrace that type of change. Let's hope they both do.


Knucklehead said...

If these assholes force a Flutie out of Boston College I am fucking done. That youngster has more class and pedigree than anyone in the program(next to Al Washington) and he is 20 years old.

I still cannot believe the headcoach put Flutie in to run a QB sneak at the end of the Wake Forest game after he had been sitting on the bench cold for an hour. It was the work fucking call I have ever seen. Everyone in my section heard me predict a fumble was coming. That game was a goddamned embarrassment. At the end, the fat, asshole coach is running around the field I helped pay for throwing equipment I helped pay for around like he owns it. Loser.

Has the headcoach paid off the $500k loan he took from the University?

mod34b said...
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Napolean Bonaparte said...

Flutie should probably leave and go to an Ivy or another FCS program where he will get a good degree and be able to have some success playing. I'd hate to lose Smith. He'll probably cut out as well and wind up at a place like East Carolina or Central Florida.

blist said...

Knucklehead, it's an imperfect world. Flute had a shot to make the job his and he didn't (unlike his uncle back when). Lots of kids could be a decent QB, but not everyone gets to, some of that is luck, some of that is timing. I'm fine with Fluties getting their participation trophies at BC, but we don't have to make sure they win.

SaturdaysOnShea said...

Doug was a once in a lifetime talent, it's unfair for fans to expect every Flutie that sets foot at Boston College to be his second coming.

Troy was given ample opportunity in practice and games to make the job his and he didn't. If he doesn't want to stay at BC in a role that will help the team then that is his prerogative.

It seems silly to think that switching Flutie to WR is "forcing him out of Boston College."

Kash86 said...

Flutie is in over his head. He is not a D1 player, bottom line. He was given a scholarship for one reason, and we all obviously know what that is. Whatever numbers he put up in HS are completely irrelevant. You would have expected him to be a much better athlete (in general) based on the records he set in HS, but he really shows very little that can even translate to another position at any level. He is not fast or elusive.

If he were to leave, I would have no problem (despite the name), he's just out of his league. Why Knucklehead would take it as such a travesty, I don't know, but I think he is smart enough to hang around for 2 more years and get his free education while signaling in plays from the sideline.

As for Fadule, why would you move him at all. He's a walk-on. He's not eating into the 85 scholarship limit where you feel you need to get production out of him. You absolutely keep him in the mix at QB (since we saw what happens when a nuclear bomb goes off in '15). Especially this year, if they have the opportunity to RS Anthony Brown (which they should do), Fadule is your #3 guy.

ObserverCollege said...

COACH Steve Addazio has contributed far more to Boston College than Troy Flutie, "Knucklehead". Troy Flutie had NOTHING to do with the 7-win bowl bound seasons in 2013 and 2014. That was ALL Steve Addazio, working miracles with an empty cupboard and no NFL draft picks until Addazio came in to coach them up.

That was Steve Addazio who was the de facto Heisman finalist in 2013. That was Steve Addazio whose game plan gave Penn State all it could handle in Yankee Stadium, which was effectively Nittany Stadium East.

Where was Troy Flutie? Oh yeah, he's the guy who RUINED THE SEASON last year. He's the reason Coach Fitch LOST HIS JOB!!!

And let me tell you about Steve Addazio. He's ALWAYS coaching, even after the clock reaches :00. Why? Because Steve Addazio knows the kids will see the b-roll later and he can teach them at any time. The national television audience can be thought of as bystanders to Steve Addazio's constant coaching.

And he's also a DAD, first and foremost. Let it be known that Steve Addazio did not miss one single moment of available time with his son last season, even though he was actively coaching. Who else can say that? In fact, I'll bet that Steve Addazio spent more time with his son, than Troy Flutie spent with his Dad or his almighty Uncle for that matter.

So put your hat in hand when it comes to Steve Addazio. Your not fit to carry his makeup case in Bristol. And neither is Troy Flutie.

Hoib said...

Glad to see Fadule stay at QB he was clearly better than the other 2. W/ some blocking maybe he can be decent some day. Hope Smith can catch better than Robinson. He could be a real weapon if he hangs onto the ball and they use him correctly. Flutie might be better than we think at WR. His Dad certainly was a good one, and I'm sure he can coach him up in a hurry.

mod34b said...
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JBQ said...

Responding to "Knucklehead": I agree with his sentiments. What is this about a 500K loan? Isn't that a "head scratcher" for 13 million and five years? The 500K was probably for a house. Bates and Addazio keep coming up as having some type of umbilical cord connection.

Napolean Bonaparte said...

Maybe they are related as they look so much alike. If you could superimpose that head of hair on Daz - I think it would become pretty clear that there is some kind of family connection.

Kash86 said...

mod what are you talking about. I said Fadule is #3 assuming Brown redshirts, which he absolutely should. If he redshirts in '16, he's not eligible to play, making Fadule 3rd behind Towles and Wade. Fadule belongs at QB (nowhere else), if only because much like Flutie, he doesn't have any real value/skillset elsewhere, but in a perfect world, we will never see Fadule again (hopefully BC is never beaten down injury wise like in '15 where we would have to see him).

And please stop with the OL thing, once again, the more you harp on it, it isnt going to speed up the process of making this a competitive OL, Spaziani left it in ruins, its going to take time, I don't understand how you fail to realize this when time and time again people respond to you with logical facts, whats not getting thru ? You bringing up the gridiron club meeting every post does nothing.

As for Addazio's "loan", every college does that. Every contract will have something similar. Its not out of the norm. Im sure they gave him a membership to a local golf club and a car or two to use. Once again, thats standard in most contracts at the P5 level. If he gets fired, he sells the house and pays back the loan, whats the big deal ?

mod34b said...
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Knucklehead said...

Your loan assertion is bullshit. Of the top 75 coaches based on overall compensation 3-5 were given loans(quick search). I said loans not the other bullshit that you conflated loans with. Malzahn got one. Pat Fitzgerald got one.

The Flutie comment is in relation to ATL's comment about them possibly leaving the school. The direction of the school, the leadership and the current student body is completely fucked up if they drive that kid out of the school. Based on his family background, his high school success, the fact that his o-line was so bad that they could be brought up on negligence charges, the fact that the school has had one WR since Gunnell graduated(who graduated 3 years ago-the long haired prep school kid?) and the bullshit his coach has put him through; Flutie ought to remain as a QB. If they want him out as a QB then put him on special teams(as a holder or benchwarmer). Don't fucking slap him in the face and put him into a position where he is set up to fail. WR? That is retarded. Only an asshole who runs around in circles while his team is blowing the game right in front if him would put Troy Flutie at WR. A bank would call in the loan based on that decision alone.

Hario said...

what is with the troy flutie love?

he was objectively bad last year. He was a 2 star recruit and BC was his only offer and i believe he was originally recruited as WR anyway.

Frankly if it werent for the Flutie name he wouldnt have got a shot at QB and might not have been at BC at all

if he thinks switching to WR thinks it will get him on field more and does well than thats great. If he wants to leave than also so be it. We arent good enough to be running the football team like a charity here

EL MIZ said...

agreed with HARIO - Flutie simply wasn't good last year. the belly-aching about how he didn't get a fair shake made me laugh out loud - he had an opportunity and we lost all of the games. next up on the depth chart. Fadule the walk-on non-scholarship was inarguably better and more effective.

it is silly to move him to WR though - he looked slow for a QB, not sure what skills he'll bring to WR. whatever - honestly who cares?

excited to see what Smith can add at WR.

CT said...

Troy at QB. Now I get the joke. Guess watching football is optional.

The loan situation is not abnormal at all. The buy-out covers it. Boosters as well. Google is great...for the uninformed.

There's only one mentally soft guy on here...maybe two. Mod wins the gold, however.

Bravesbill said...

Flutie really doesn't have much size either so he can't be a slot receiver. He also doesn't have the quickness like an Edelmann or Welker (2 WRs without much size) either. Putting him at WR is pretty head scratching, although with the WR talent currently on the team, he could very well become one of the best. And all this Spaz left the cupboard bare, Daz apologist nonsense has got to stop. Daz is going into his fourth year. Most of the players on the team now are his. Some sort of accountability needs to happen or else you're left with something putrid like last year.

Kash86 said...

Knucklehead, aside from you being dead wrong about the loan/housing aid thing (we'll excuse your ignorance for now), what's the big deal anyway ? Who cares ? This athletic department has been one of the least efficient departments in the country for decades. Why make a stink about a 500k loan (which is $$ they'll get back) when the school is pissing away money annually on a bunch of under performing non-revenue sports ? I fail to see why you are even bringing up this issue when it is the least of the Athletic Departments issues.

As for the Fadule comments Mod, just stop. He's too slow and has never played the position before in his life. What is the best case you get out of him (maybe if you're lucky), Sean Sylvia ? But let's just forget that Sylvia was way more athletic and had played DB his entire HS/PG career. Please be realistic. Fadule is a walkon, who like Flutie, isn't a D1 QB. Because he put together a few drives last year (and won 0 games) you all of a sudden want to convert him to a DB and put him in the 2 deep ? Over guys that were recruited to play SS/FS, who are way more athletic for that role naturally ? This isn't HS football, and with Fadule and Flutie, this isn't a situation where you have athletic QBs (like Smith who are versatile), they're slow, white, pocket passing QBs who don't belong in a division 1 program.

mod34b said...
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Bravesbill said...

Instead of Flutie being thrown in at WR, put Fadule there. He's a little bigger, is quicker, and has much more speed.

Knucklehead said...
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Knucklehead said...

Again you are conflating a loan with perks like housing. There is a difference. A University should be loaning "its" money to a coach. Giving a membership to "Brae Burn", a Mercedes or a scholarship to the coaches son are completely different than loaning him money. You give someone cash and you don't know where the money goes. You give someone a product or service then you know where your money is going.

Get it asshole?

Knucklehead said...

. . . Do you think they will get the money back when they fire him? More likely they will have to spend thousands of dollars to their lawyers to fight with Addazzio's new employer to get them to pay the loan back. You are a fucking idiot to assume he is going to pay the money back.

Joseph said...

Can anyone ever remember a positive post from M34b?

Joseph said...

i didn't think anybody could recall.

mod34b said...
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Joseph said...

I didn't try to trash you--- I did and you bit. Ok, let's make a deal. You stick to being constructive and positive and I'll not comment on your narrow minded negativity. Deal?

mod34b said...
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Joseph said...

right on,mod. You seem to have no control over your mind. Now that we are aware of your disability we'll be a little kinder when the silly stats and negativity take over your mind. I know, "i can't help it"

mod34b said...
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Joseph said...

Oh, darn!! I really wanted to be friends so that we could exchange schemes on finding don't-matter stats and figure out how to make poison out of sugar. By the way, have you thought about why I love to call you out and never people like Miz? Read others posts and try to emulate the positive. Your mother probably told you that if you had nothing good to say then say nothing. Good advice that I will now follow and leave you to your eternal damnation of pessimism and negativity. (my mother said the same thing and added that mental jousting with the unarmed could lead to criminal charges.)

mod34b said...
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