Friday, June 08, 2012

(Not so) embarrassing BC items

I don't own this...but don't think I haven't thought about buying it.

Mgoblog recently published a post on embarrassing Michigan licensed items. I loved the idea and thought that I should do the same for BC stuff. There was one problem. As I searched for weird and offbeat BC things, I just kept coming across items that I might actually buy. There was nothing too kitschy. Nothing offensively ugly (to me). I rationalized every potential purchase. Fortunately I held strong and didn't buy. The following are some of the more tempting items.

Pittsburgh Eagles
I don't wear hockey jerseys, but I loved this custom BC hockey sweater that merged the BC logo with a Pittsburgh Penguins style look.

BC fans would eat wine & cheese if they let us tailgate longer...
I'm not big on cheese plates but this is something I might break out. Look at the subtle BC logo on the wood top. That's not corny. That's classy. 

Boston College BC Wood Cutting Board Chopping Block

Nothing says antique Tiffany Lamp like italics BC logos
Under normal circumstances I wouldn't buy a Tiffany Lamp. I also dislike our current logo. But put the two together and it sort of works. Maybe I should forward this to my wife to inspire some Father's Day ideas. 

The Memory Company College Tiffany Table Lamp Team: Boston College

I don't wear cufflinks often but...
If a Harvard guy wore Harvard cufflinks, he'd be pretentious. If an Alabama fan wore 'Bama cufflinks, he's a rube. But a BC guy could pull it off.

Pets can be BC fans too
I don't own a dog nor do I plan on getting one soon. But you can bet that if I do get a dog, the poor thing will certainly have to wear one of these. 

Football Fanatics Boston College Eagles Maroon Collegiate Dog T-Shirt

BC Boat Fender? Sure. Why not?
They say the two best days of being a boat owner are the day you buy your boat and the day you sell your boat. I've never owned a boat, but I don't see it that way. In my mind the best day of being a boat owner would be the day you bought your BC Boat Fender.

They've worn worse
My kids three kids are too old for this now, but I am suddenly feeling the urge to have a fourth.

Boston College Eagles Infant Fleece Costume

Let me know if there are any other BC licensed items that I should consider. Also let me know anything not so embarrassing that you might own. 


Benjamin said...

Given the need and right circumstances, I would definitely buy each of these items. Granted, no one "needs" a BC cheese platter, it wouldn't be a bad thing to own.

blist said...

Have you seen the BC side view mirror covers for your car. Utterly useless, a little weird. And yes, tempting to purchase.
Pair it with the eagle head antennea topper:

ATL_eagle said...


I've seen those side mirror things for other teams. Very tempting...

BCMike said...

blist--those are hilarious.

Bill knows all too well I'm a sucker for BC paraphernalia and have more than my fair share (I have TWO BC gnomes, one hockey, one football), but those are too fugly even for me!

ATL_eagle said...


I know you are going to buy that Penguins-Eagle hybrid hockey jersey.

Knucklehead said...

The full body fleece with the eagle head gear should be made in adult sizes. It would sell well to furrie eagle fans out there.

Whom You Know said...

I recommended this!

Lally said...

Here is the most embarrassing thing BC has in it's inventory:

Segalro said...

I own the cuff links, but I only pull them out on special occasions.